

It is the time of the year where we like to eat our starchy foods, drink our sugary drinks, and consume a few too many alcoholic beverages.  Though we love our summer, we forget these dietary changes can cause a big problem in the future:  YEAST.   My first signs of yeast issues are: tired dry skin, eyes, hair constipated bloating cant sleep at night weight gain in the belly region mood changes Yeast can start in the large intestines but spread throughout the body.  Yeast loves sugar, therefore your diet can cause this issue to flourish.  Stay away from high carbs such as: bread, pasta, rice, crackers, flours.  Avoid alcohol, sweet teas, sodas.  Increase your vegetables and proteins.  If you find you may have yeast issues we have several dietary supplements to help reduce this issue such as Pau d Arco.  Learn more from our you tube video:  or visit the website video section Yeast